Every patient deserves exceptional outcomes

Dr. Wynnykiw and his team are committed to exceptional outcomes. Those outcomes include not only the dental treatment but also the patient experience. The team works with respect, confidentiality, and dignity to support the emotional and physical wellbeing of every patient while providing treatment that serves their lifelong health. As a healthcare provider, Dr. Wynnykiw strives to work with your other providers in order to serve you with the most comprehensive and appropriate care.


Comprehensive Care

ESTHETICS: How your smile looks.

Have confidence in your smile. Esthetic dentistry provides patients a wide range of treatment possibilities from tooth whitening to replacing missing teeth or complete smile makeovers.

FUNCTION: How your bite works.

Overcome functional issues related to your bite, muscles, and joints including jaw joints (TMJ), facial pain, headaches, and sleep-related illnesses.

STRUCTURE: Physical integrity of your teeth.

Traditional structural dentistry, such as fillings and repair of severe wear or damaged, is approached with concern for both esthetics and function so that treatment outcomes are beautiful, natural, and long-term.

BIOLOGY: Health of your gums and bone.

The health of your gums and soft tissues is critical to your overall health and ensuring that you can eat, speak, and smile. Receive regular periodontal evaluations, oral cancer screenings, and more.

Your mouth is a complex system and oral health is an important factor in your overall health and well-being. Dr. Wynnykiw will evaluate your oral health in a complete and thorough way. Ask questions; stay engaged. You treatment plan should satisfy your personal values and goals while aiming for prime dental and oral health - no matter your age. At your first visit, you will receive:

A health and stability assessment of all vital structures.

A full periodontal examination, to assess the stability and health of your soft tissues.

Photographs of your teeth and face, to provide a complete picture.

Digital radiographs, to verify the health of your teeth and supporting bone.


Progress & Technology

Quality Control

Materials, design

Diagnostics & Imaging

Cone beam CT for...

Dr. Wynnykiw is a progressive general and cosmetic dentist whose passion for superior results demands cutting-edge education, techniques, equipment, and materials.

Dentistry has changed significantly over the past several decades.  In fact, in the last five to ten years alone, dentistry has evolved tremendously into a dynamic and exciting profession employing amazing technologies and techniques to provide the very best in patient care.  Gone are the days of relying on film x-ray, old-fashioned gooey impressions, paper charts, and so many other symbols of dentistry's past.

A health and stability assessment of all vital structures.

A full periodontal examination, to assess the stability and health of your soft tissues.

Photographs of your teeth and face, to provide a complete picture.

Digital radiographs, to verify the health of your teeth and supporting bone.


Serving The Patient's Best Interest

Treatment decisions are made by the patient and the doctor.

Not the patient's insurance company.

Fees are set based on the cost of high quality care.

Not based on what insurance companies will pay.

Dr. Wynnykiw does not compromise on the quality of care provided to his patients and thus will not bargain with insurance companies. That means the patient is responsible for the fees assessed for their care and treatment.

Offie staff will work with you to maximize your insurance benefits but will never make treatment decisions based on what your carrier is willing to cover. Insurance companies should not make your dental or medical treatment decisions because they have not provided you with a comprehensive, full mouth exam before extending coverage to you. They have not taken the time to know you or understand your unique needs as a living, breathing patient. At the same time, Dr. Wynnykiw takes pride in his openness with patients. That is, he will explain your condition and the best treatment options for you, not the treatment "option" suggested by your insurance provider. We help you by handling all claim forms and processing your insurance claims using instantaneous electronic submission.  This helps you receive reimbursement as quickly as possible after paying the practice for treatment rendered. Have you ever noticed that your insurance reimbursement rate is much lower than the fees charged for services? Contrary to popular belief, that is not because of a doctor wanting to make excessive profits. It is because insurance formularies are largely based on 1960s rates for dental services and have not kept up with inflation or progress in dental care and technique.  In 1967, dental insurance carriers provided a $1,000 annual maximum and the fee for a crown in Beverly Hills was about $100. Today, insurance annual maximums are about the same and a crown costs over $1,000.  Thus, when a practitioner accepts insurance as full payment for a service, it is practically impossible to provide exceptional, quality care.  The overhead of any practice runs at several hundred dollars per hour in addition to the cost of materials when providing dental treatment.  When a doctor chooses to utilize specialized equipment in order to provide advanced and more comfortable services to patients, it is simply impossible to provide services at the percentages that insurance carriers are willing to pay. Policies are written in cookie cutter fashion and are often meant to provide only for simple, broad coverage. They are full of stipulations and barriers to the policy holder pursuing excellent care.  We believe that insurance is a tool; in essence, just another form of payment.  Look at insurance as a nice portion of funds specifically designated to help, but not fully, pay for your care.  It works as a supplement that gives a little boost in helping you cover the costs of excellent dental care.

A health and stability assessment of all vital structures.

A full periodontal examination, to assess the stability and health of your soft tissues.

Photographs of your teeth and face, to provide a complete picture.

Digital radiographs, to verify the health of your teeth and supporting bone.